Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Congratulations! You have successfully navigated to Inherently Interesting Spring 2014, the most wonderful, most interesting, and most important blog at this particular URL. Your comments and questions on this blog will help make the class even more wonderful and interesting--and occasionally earn you a bit of extra credit! To add your comments, click on the "comments" link immediately below. You may leave your comments as an "anonymous" blogger so that you don't have to set up an account. On extra credit assignments, be sure to include your name at the end of the post so I know who to give credit to!

To get started, here's a test of the History 121 extra credit system. Click the "comments" link below and give me your honest answer: what's the first thing that comes into your head when you here the word history?


  1. All of the wonderful things that have happened in the past centuries and how the saying history repeats itself
    Elizabeth Kolda

  2. When I hear history, the first thing that i think of is that history is my favorite class!!!
    Denver Jost

  3. Fun, because history can be just that.-Kelly Longden

  4. When I hear the word history, I get the mental image of thick stacks of aged books or scrolls covered in dust. -Rachel Rogers

  5. When I hear the word history, I think of all the amazing things that have happened on Earth! -Bethany Crosswait

  6. When I hear the word history, I think of Alexander the Great and Hannibal. - Elise Westfall

  7. I think of Rome.

    - Kirk Bender

  8. When I hear the word history I think of the quote: "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."

    - Meghan Greer

  9. When I hear history I think of how we can learn from the past to develop the present.

    ~Sabrina Smith-Mount

  10. When I hear the word History, I think of the History Channel symbol of the big H.
    - Sara Vasquez

  11. The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the word history is everything that has happened in my lifetime up until now and everything that happened before I was born. It's nearly impossible for me to wrap my head around, and that's why I'm interested in this class so much.
    - Jacob Schweitzer

  12. When I think of history I believe its are past and the foundation of the future.
    Robert Aesoph

  13. i think of text books and maps
    -Matt DeBoer

  14. When thinking about history, i think about the past an how wars, rulers and the battles of life were made so we can be the present we are today.
    ~Rachael Ham~

  15. The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the work history is remembering the past. I think of my family history and the history of how the world has come to be as it is now. -Drew Smith

  16. The first thing I think of when I hear the word "History" is Ireland. That is where my family history started.

    Ian Coughlin

  17. To know the future, we should know the past first. - Ji Hyeong Kim

  18. The first thing I think of when I think of history is the past. All of the influences of the past that have shaped the world into what it is today.
    Kristin Maier

  19. When i think of world history i think of parliament with kings and queens.
    Alex Mitchell
